Division of Biology and Medicine
Biomed Communications

Event Publicity

The Event Digest consolidates the Division's many events into a single email sent weekly to faculty and staff. 


The Event Digest consolidates the Division's many events into a single email sent weekly to faculty and staff. The process for submitting events to the digest is below:

Use this Google form to submit an event to the digest.  The submitted information will automatically populate the weekly digest. A few things to note:

  • Whenever possible, public events should be submitted to the Brown University event calendar. This will help get the word out about your event. Submitters external to Brown that are unable to add events to the calendar should provide a website address where detailed information about the event can be found. 
  • Event Digest will be sent out every Monday. Make sure you submit your event no later than noon on the Thursday before, if not earlier. Only under truly unavoidable circumstances will event-specific emails be sent.
  • Event Digest consists of two sections: This Week, a list of events occurring within the week; and Coming Soon, a list of events scheduled for the following three weeks.

The submitter is solely responsible for the content of the announcement; however, communications staff reserve the right to deny requests if information is incomplete or if the content does not support the mission of the Division of Biology and Medicine. If you have questions about the digest or the announcement policy, please contact Office_of_Biomed_Communications@brown.edu

Event Publicity FAQ

Event digest submissions require a URL (website address) where detailed information about your event can be found. If your event is listed on a website, you can copy the URL from the page and paste it into the form.

If you do not have dedicated event web page, you can secure one by submitting your event to the Brown University event calendar. When you add an event to the calendar, a URL is generated - you can add that URL to the digest submission form.

To add an event to the University calendar, go to https://events.brown.edu/.

Revisions should be sent to Office_of_Biomed_Communications@brown.edu.